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Showing posts from 2015


In today’s world, it’s easy to be sad; especially if you’re an empathetic person that reads the paper, listens to the news, and sees the world as harshly and as vulgarly as the media portrays it daily. In today’s world it’s easy to lack confidence in yourself; especially if you’re online and connected to several social media outlets; constantly comparing your everyday life, to the exciting highlights of your seemingly effortlessly attractive, adventurous and worry-free friends. Nonetheless, despite the constant negative influences that are force-fed to us on a regular basis, there are strange people among us, people like mysel f, who manage to find happiness despite the lack of absolute perfection in their lives. I happen to be in a field of work that encourages me to motivate other people. This position has taught me a lot about myself, and about the commonality between absolute strangers. (Ironically distracting side note about  Social Media) : It's a powerful tool that


Inspirational people are among us, as you read these words I’m sure you can think of an individual in your life that has inspired you, or continues to do so on a regular basis. Whether it’s their strength and optimistic view in life, or their relentless determination despite the adversities they may encounter along the way. They inspire you because there’s a small part of you that hopes to become like them one day, to adopt their philosophy of life, and to strive towards your own goals with as much passion and resolve as they have. I recently attended a national Education, Counselling and Employment conference called  CANNEXUS , for the third year in a row. This conference, in a nutshell, is an opportunity to learn by engaging in a plethora of topics. Inspirational trailblazers teach us about current issues; bright minds show us new ways to look at things; Knowledgeable scholars give us tools to deal with challenges and dilemmas;  leaders in our field collaborate to enhance and prom


If you have a Facebook or an Instagram Acccount, I’m sure you’ve seen the following image: However, despite the cynicism around New Years resolution, I’m still a fan and here’s why.       1.    I love a challenge       2.    And I'm one of those annoying people that always stick to my resolutions. Last year, my goal for the year was to read more books and spend as much time outdoors as possible. At the time I let my life get so busy that I didn’t make time for things I truly enjoyed. Both of my resolutions were revolved around improving my overall happiness. How did I accomplish this goal? Firstly, when my husband and I moved to our new home, we chose not to get Internet or Cable. (My brother still things I’m crazy for living this way.)  Now, after dinner, instead of zoning out in front of a glowing screen, we go for walks together. Instead of lazily scrolling through Facebook for hours on end, we both read. In order to remain accountable, and gain access to