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Showing posts from December, 2014


There’s something strange that happens when you get out of your comfort zone and explore a different country and culture. Travelling is a fantastic way to blow your own mind enough to change your perspective about many things in life.  As you may know, this blog originated as a travel blog. Though my life has changed tremendously since my time in South America, I still enjoy travelling quite a bit. " Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime ."  Mark Twain is a wise man! And that is one of my favorite quotes of all time because I couldn't agree more. If you’ve never felt like an absolute alien in a new environment where people ask you on a regular basis why you choose to do what you do, wear what you wear, and say what you say; then I high


Journal blog post: Word for word. 10/12/2014 The world makes it easy for everyone to be fake. In fact, there are countless examples, where falsehood is celebrated, admired and envied. Take Kim Kardashian for example; she faked her way through an awful sex-tape, and several failed relationships with several famous men to get her name, her face and the other body parts that she flaunts, on the map. Then she “breaks the internet” by exposing her cosmetically enhanced, and generously photoshopped naked body for the world to see. People are still talking about those photos, which makes me wonder how many children have seen it as well… probably too many by now... Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against Mrs. Kanye West; she’s just doing what she needs to do to get the attention she craves… However, she is the prime example of a superficial society being influenced by the physically beautiful people of the world. Even if her beauty has been cosmetically enhanced, it


Finish the following sentence in your head: Young people of today are ____________.  Was your answer a positive quality or a negative one? If it was negative, you’re the norm. If it was a positive answer, then you're an outlier, a rarity, and someone that deserves a metal; because the youth of today, are generally seen as spoiled, lazy, distracted and undeservingly entitled individuals. I could back that statement with countless personal examples, however, this article published by the Globe and Mail is enough.  Are Todays Youth worse off of just lazy and entitled? The funny thing is that the state of youth today was shaped by the adults of this world. Our parents, the baby boomers, grew up in a time where economic security was practically guaranteed to the educated population that chose the career path of life; a time where one single income was enough to afford the luxuries or a Mortgage, a car and all of the other necessities to support a happy and health family. They