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Showing posts from July, 2016

Birth Story

When I told people that I was planning to have a home birth, I got a lot of bewildered and shocked reactions "What?! For your first child? No Drugs?!" followed by a very sarcastic sounding "Gooooood luck, you are BRAVE!". I wrote a lot about peoples reactions in my journal, but chose not to share it here because I hadn't given birth yet, and didn't want to jinx anything. Besides, for all I knew, all of my criticizers were right and I would demand drugs and be rushed to a hospital to give birth like the vast majority do. I started exploring giving birth naturally after my midwife recommended a book written by Ina May called Guide to Childbirth  - it brought so much encouragement and insight that I had never thought of. The book consisted of a series of positive birth stories from real women, which are rare to come by these days! If you base what you know about childbirth and labour from television, where people are paid a lot of money to enter