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Showing posts from October, 2016


If I were to write a book about motherhood it would be called "what day is it?" Or "Did I eat today?" Better yet "when was my last shower?" Motherhood had been equal parts blissful adventure and blind faith in myself. I have no idea what I'm doing but My baby is alive, happy and healthy so I must be doing something right. I haven't posted anything since my birth story which feels like last month but somehow it was 4 months ago! (WHAT?!) Babies are the physical becoming of time passing. 4 months used to come and go, now it grows before my eyes and becomes more aware, more vocal and man... these chubby cheeked smiles are just magical. Motherhood to me is the best decision I've ever made and I'm thankful everyday to be blessed enough to experience it. So much has changed, too much for one posting, But here's my attempt to share some of those changes. 1.My house is a mess most of the time, (yes, more than "normal" mess mom...)